Fan-signed Macik’s Cenda has boarded the Dakar-bound ship. This year’s rally is going to be more extreme than in the past

By |2022-12-01T17:12:27+01:001. December, 2022|Uncategorized|

The 2023 Dakar Rally is already under way. Pilot Martin Macik's new truck named Cenda has successfully passed scrutineering in Marseille and is sailing to the shores of Saudi Arabia together with other racing and accompanying vehicles. It has a special fan-made design on the rear hood and it‘s headed for one of the toughest

Martin Macík’s Dakar Itinerary

By |2022-11-18T09:04:36+01:0018. November, 2022|Uncategorized|

The Dakar Rally starts in 7 weeks. Martin Macík, the pilot of the racing truck, is preparing for his 11th Dakar. The organizers promise an even more challenging and extreme race than the previous ones. Its route will take the Dakar participants from the beaches of the Red Sea to the treacherous mountain terrains and

Dakarský kalendář Martina Macíka. Co vše je potřeba stihnout do startu Dakaru 2023?

By |2022-11-18T09:05:47+01:0018. November, 2022|Uncategorized|

Do startu Rallye Dakar zbývá 7 týdnů. Pilot kamionu Martin Macík se připravuje na svou 11. účast. Organizátoři slibují obtížnější a extrémnější závod, než byly ty předchozí. Jeho trasa dakarskou karavanu povede z pláží Rudého moře do zrádných horských terénů a také přes neprozkoumané duny Pusté končiny, jedné z nejrozlehlejších pouští světa, kde by závodníci měli strávit

Martin Macik introduced his plan for Dakar 2023

By |2022-11-11T11:19:00+01:0011. November, 2022|Uncategorized|

Driver Martin Macik is headed for his 11th Dakar, which will vary in many ways from the previous years. He'll ride out in a new truck named Cenda. Their first start took place at the recent Rallye du Maroc and resulted in a victory. Macik's truck will have a change in colour after 11 years

Martin Macík představil svůj plán pro Dakar 2023

By |2022-11-11T11:18:53+01:0011. November, 2022|Uncategorized|

Pilot Martin Macík míří na svůj 11. Dakar, který bude v mnoha ohledech jiný než ty předchozí. Na trať vyjede v novém kamionu pojmenovaném Čenda. Poprvé společně startovali na nedávné Rallye du Maroc a vyhráli. Na Dakaru 2023 Macíkův speciál po 11 letech, na počest nového generálního sponzora, změní barvy – bude oranžovo černý. Martin se současně

Macik and Brabec on a Tractor Adventure at the Sumava Rally

By |2019-07-17T06:37:12+02:0028. April, 2019|Uncategorized|

Dakar drivers Martin Macik and Jan Brabec of the Big Shock Racing team have completed their challenge and eventually set off into two speed-test laps of the Ralle Sumava Klatovy in a Valtra tractor. The very successful event, which originated from an impulsive idea, eventually became a pleasant diversification of the popular Czech race and

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